From Kölleda Kindergarten to Meskwaki preschool


Hallo! Hello!

Dear Meskwaki children in Iowa,

we are the preschoolers of Feistkorn kindergarten in Kölleda, Thüringen.


Many thanks for the drawings that you did share with us!


We learned a lot about you, it was so exciting!

DSC04788DSC04789And are very excited to be friends with you now. Do you like our drawings? We have made them especially for YOU! 🙂

DSC04820You know what? Thomas of Radijojo went to OUR kindergarten, when he was our age – imagine!

DSC04802We hope that our friendship will last as long, too!

Akhoi! (We have learned that this means “see you soon” in your language.)

Tschüß! Bis bald! (That’s how we say it in ours.)



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