Our Transatlantic school song!


Hi everyone! Guess what: We have created our own school song! It is dedicated to our new friends in Germany, the Radio Foxes in Hamburg!

We wrote the lyrics ourselves (ok, with a little help by our teacher David) and recorded it live with Radijojo and our music teacher Linda.

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The song is based on the classic “Sweet home Chicago”, a blues song that goes back to American folk music history, to Robert Johnson.

IMG_0740And of course you all know the version of the Blues Brothers – we had a biiiig time listening and dancing to it!


Thomas told us that such music had an tremendous effect on the civil-society movement in East Germany and Eastern Europe, when he was young.


It was this blues and folk music that brought the young people together, in a peaceful way; willing to stand together for change. And – after many years – this fight was successful.

IMG_0748Robert Big JoeToday, his friends Robert Gläser and “Big Joe” Stolle continue to play – and live – the blues. Robert once was kicked out of East Germany with his family; when his father, a renown musician, wrote too critical songs.

So, this is not just a song: it as a way to connect Transatlantic past, present and future.

Think about it, when listening – and enjoy! 🙂

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